Honoring The Local Lifestyle You Love. 

Exceptional Garments, Made In Miami, And Devoted To The Community You Love.

Boaters in the South Florida region don't have a lifestyle brand that personifies their special corner of the world.  So we created a new category called a Local Lifestyle Brand, manufactured in Miami, and deeply rooted in the local community you love so you no longer have to settle for a “Long Distance Relationship” with your clothing brand.

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Exceptional Fabrics For Comfort & Durability.

Lightweight, soft tri-blends for optimal moisture-wicking, and breathability with a light stretch for comfort.

Locally Manufactured. As A Local Lifestyle Brand Should Be.

By partnering with the Goodwill of South Florida, we can manufacture the highest quality garments right here in Miami. Reducing the massive carbon footprint of global supply chains, and creating opportunity for our special needs community. Reducing cut & sew supply chains from 10,000 miles to 10!

Designed For Your Out Island Lifestyle.  Honoring Your Backyard, Where Your Memories Are Made. 

Bonus: Numbered Collector's "Challenge Coin" for all Out Island "Angels."

Reserve your launch invite now to lock in the lowest possible number on your Challenge Coin.  Bragging rights and Challenge Coin will be included for Free when ordered items are shipped.  IYKYK.  

Wear Your "Where."

Your memories were created in the Out Islands (not Martha's Vineyard!). Out Island connects those wonderful memories with a brand you can wear proudly, knowing you're creating local jobs and giving back to protect this delicate ecosystem you love! 

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